Art Garden – Cemetery St. Georgen Parochial I, Prenzlauer Allee 6, Berlin (entrance at Heinrich-Roller-Str. 18)
in Cooperation with GRÜNE LIGA Berlin and Matria Jardín with Mauricio Cervantes, Samatha Leiva, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Tomás Espinosa, Rune Bosse, Renata Har, Beatrice Davis, Lenara Verle, Beatrice Davis, Nate Anspaugh, Mathieu Sylvestre, Beth Dillon, Iara Guedes and Javier Blanco
Artistic Director: Tainá Guedes, Entretempo Kitchen Gallery/ Executive director: Ulrich Nowikow, Grüne Liga/ Head of the project : Laura Stresing
Art Garden